AU - Bosselaers J., Dierick M., Cnudde V., Masschaele B., Hoorebeke L. van & Jacobs P.
PY - 2010
TI - High-resolution X-ray computer tomography of an extant new Donuea (Araneae: Liocranidae) species in Madagascan copal. Zootaxa, 2427: 25-35.
ER -
title={High-resolution X-ray computer tomography of an extant new Donuea (Araneae: Liocranidae) species in Madagascan copal. Zootaxa, 2427: 25-35.},
author={Bosselaers J., Dierick M., Cnudde V., Masschaele B., Hoorebeke L. van & Jacobs P.}
%0 Book
%A Bosselaers J., Dierick M., Cnudde V., Masschaele B., Hoorebeke L. van & Jacobs P.
%D 2010
%T High-resolution X-ray computer tomography of an extant new Donuea (Araneae: Liocranidae) species in Madagascan copal. Zootaxa, 2427: 25-35.