AU - Griswold C., Ubick D., Ledford J. & Polotow D.
PY - 2022
TI - A revision of the Malagasy crack-leg spiders of the genus Uduba Simon 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with description of 35 new species from Madagascar. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, (4) 67 (Supplement 2): 1-193.
ER -
title={A revision of the Malagasy crack-leg spiders of the genus Uduba Simon 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with description of 35 new species from Madagascar. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, (4) 67 (Supplement 2): 1-193.},
author={Griswold C., Ubick D., Ledford J. & Polotow D.}
%0 Book
%A Griswold C., Ubick D., Ledford J. & Polotow D.
%D 2022
%T A revision of the Malagasy crack-leg spiders of the genus Uduba Simon 1880 (Araneae, Udubidae), with description of 35 new species from Madagascar. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, (4) 67 (Supplement 2): 1-193.