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Agrilus (Agrilus) cisti Brisout de Barneville, 1863
Cisti Brisout / cisti collioures / Collioures type C. Brisout / Agrilus cisti Brisout, 1863 syntype E. Jendek det. 2000 / Agrilus elegans Muls. Rey, 1863 (Syn. cisti Bris., 1863 nemethi Théry, 1928) det. M. Niehuis 2001)
It has been shown by Schaefer (1941 Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon, 10(5) : 75) that the name A. cisti has the priority over the name A. elegans. The publication date of A. cisti is the 6th August 1863 and that of A. elegans the 5th of October 1863. We then chose to keep A. cisti as the valid name for this species.