AU - Bahid F.-Z., Kettani K. & Daugeron C.
PY - 2017
TI - Two new species of the Empis (Leptempis) rustica group of the Mediterranean basin (Diptera, Empididae, Empidinae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France, xx: x-x.
ER -
title={Two new species of the Empis (Leptempis) rustica group of the Mediterranean basin (Diptera, Empididae, Empidinae). Annales de la Soci{\'e}t{\'e} entomologique de France, xx: x-x.},
author={Bahid F.-Z., Kettani K. & Daugeron C.}
%0 Book
%A Bahid F.-Z., Kettani K. & Daugeron C.
%D 2017
%T Two new species of the Empis (Leptempis) rustica group of the Mediterranean basin (Diptera, Empididae, Empidinae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France, xx: x-x.