AU - Vujić A., Randenković S., Ståhls G., Ačanski J., Stefanović A., Veselić S., Andrić A. & Hayat R.
PY - 2012
TI - Systematics and taxonomy of the ruficornis group of the genus Merodon Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae). Systematic Entomology, 37: 578-602.
ER -
title={Systematics and taxonomy of the ruficornis group of the genus Merodon Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae). Systematic Entomology, 37: 578-602.},
author={Vujić A., Randenković S., Ståhls G., Ačanski J., Stefanović A., Veselić S., Andrić A. & Hayat R.}
%0 Book
%A Vujić A., Randenković S., Ståhls G., Ačanski J., Stefanović A., Veselić S., Andrić A. & Hayat R.
%D 2012
%T Systematics and taxonomy of the ruficornis group of the genus Merodon Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae). Systematic Entomology, 37: 578-602.