AU - Sommerer M.D. & Tautel C.
PY - 2021
TI - Sternitornatodes – a new genus in the Pelagodes group of Emerald Moths (Geometridae,
Geometrinae), with description of the new species St. echinus from Luzon (Philippines). Tinea 26(1) : 56
ER -
title={Sternitornatodes – a new genus in the Pelagodes group of Emerald Moths (Geometridae,
Geometrinae), with description of the new species St. echinus from Luzon (Philippines). Tinea 26(1) : 56},
author={Sommerer M.D. & Tautel C.}
%0 Book
%A Sommerer M.D. & Tautel C.
%D 2021
%T Sternitornatodes – a new genus in the Pelagodes group of Emerald Moths (Geometridae,
Geometrinae), with description of the new species St. echinus from Luzon (Philippines). Tinea 26(1) : 56