AU - Forner i Valls(E.), Arbilla Karasatorre (J.K.) & Moreno Alcade (T.)
PY - 2021
TI - Genero berria, Stegasteridae (Echinoidea) Coniaciarreko Euskokantauriar arroko sakoneko faziesekoa [New genus of Stegasteridae (Echinoidea) from the Coniacian deep facies of the Basque-Cantabrian basin]
SP - 187-204, fig. 1-7
ER -
title={Genero berria, Stegasteridae (Echinoidea) Coniaciarreko Euskokantauriar arroko sakoneko faziesekoa [New genus of Stegasteridae (Echinoidea) from the Coniacian deep facies of the Basque-Cantabrian basin]},
author={Forner i Valls(E.), Arbilla Karasatorre (J.K.) & Moreno Alcade (T.)},
pages={187-204, fig. 1-7}
%0 Book
%A Forner i Valls(E.), Arbilla Karasatorre (J.K.) & Moreno Alcade (T.)
%D 2021
%T Genero berria, Stegasteridae (Echinoidea) Coniaciarreko Euskokantauriar arroko sakoneko faziesekoa [New genus of Stegasteridae (Echinoidea) from the Coniacian deep facies of the Basque-Cantabrian basin]
%P 187-204, fig. 1-7