AU - Lourenço W.R.
PY - 2017
TI - Description of a new species of Opisthacanthus Peters (Scorpiones: Hormuridae) from Suriname/Brazil border with some biogeographic considerations. Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 46 (1-2): 9-22
ER -
title={Description of a new species of Opisthacanthus Peters (Scorpiones: Hormuridae) from Suriname/Brazil border with some biogeographic considerations. Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 46 (1-2): 9-22},
author={Lourenço W.R.}
%0 Book
%A Lourenço W.R.
%D 2017
%T Description of a new species of Opisthacanthus Peters (Scorpiones: Hormuridae) from Suriname/Brazil border with some biogeographic considerations. Acta Biol. Par., Curitiba, 46 (1-2): 9-22