AU - Lourenço W.R.
PY - 2017
TI - Comments on the genus Lychas C. L. Koch, 1845; proposition of a neotype for Lychas scutilus C. L. Koch, 1845 and description of a new species from caves in north Myanmar (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Arachnida Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, Anno III, Vol. XIV
ER -
title={Comments on the genus Lychas C. L. Koch, 1845; proposition of a neotype for Lychas scutilus C. L. Koch, 1845 and description of a new species from caves in north Myanmar (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Arachnida Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, Anno III, Vol. XIV},
author={Lourenço W.R.}
%0 Book
%A Lourenço W.R.
%D 2017
%T Comments on the genus Lychas C. L. Koch, 1845; proposition of a neotype for Lychas scutilus C. L. Koch, 1845 and description of a new species from caves in north Myanmar (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Arachnida Rivista Aracnologica Italiana, Anno III, Vol. XIV